Thursday, September 22, 2011

Old School Photography

  I have started this blog as an entry in 's contest to be one of five analog photography ambassadors. I honestly cannot remember when I started in photography, but it was with an old school 110 film camera. Now as I look back it was sooo archaic, but it was so fun for me! I wanted to be like my artist mother who used a Canon 35mm camera. I received my own Canon 35mm camera when I graduated from high school nearly a decade ago. I love that camera and the artistry involved in using a film camera. I have owned countless 110 and 35mm cameras and even made my own pin-hole camera! With growing technology I have begun to use my phone's camera more than anything.The only thing holding me back from continuing to use my Rebel is the rising price of film and development. I have taken several photography classes in college and LOVE being in the darkroom. To me it is so much more artistic to manipulate your photographs in the darkroom versus using the computer. You learn to be more cautious, because if you mess up you have to start all over again. With PhotoShop and other programs, you just have to click undo.
Therefore, I would love to get back into film photography, especially in my favorite photography season: Autumn. I drool over photography catalogs and the awesome things you can do with cameras. I want to try a multi-lens camera, like a Pop9 or an Oktomat. I want to try multi-colored flashes. I want to try a Diana and manipulate my own Holga! I want to experiment with night photography and lighting. There is just so much to try with film photography!!
At Balloon Festival in August. I didn't have time to grab my tripod, but this one was pretty cool.

On the beach in Cape May, NJ. My favorite shooting ground!